Meeting Summary Feb 13, 2025
Attending: Hultgren, Palmer, Clark, Waldburger
The meeting began at 7 pm in the lobby of the Transportation Center in Downtown Storrs.
The CWA program roll-out was discussed. The pilot manual seems to be done except for final edits, and possibly adding a page or two from the scheduling program’s manual. The routes for the rides will be ridden for time and acceptability as soon as the trishaw is back from the gearing modifications – it was suggested that the trishaw be ridden near the bike repair shop before bringing it back to CT. The scheduling program (Book2go) was discussed, and Hultgren, Clark and Palmer had each scheduled test rides to test the program. Each facility will need to have a coordinator who is familiar with the Book2go program to be able assign riders and finalize each ride (time/location/etc.), and will need to be trained by one of our program managers. The program is set up to automatically notify pilots of rides that need pilots; and pilots can post a ride for the coordinators to assign riders to. Riders will not have to log-in or use the scheduling program, but can get notifications of the ride confirmations. A training video will be made as soon as the trishaw is back. To start, rides will be done only during the hours that the Senior Center is open, so that pilots can retrieve and return a key to the trishaw garage at the Senior Center front desk. Clark will check on the SC hours and leaving a key at the front desk. A small metal, lockable work bench (and possibly a small heater) will be needed for the trishaw garage. Hultgren will look into this.
Hultgren said the second DOT/CRCOG microgrant had be received, and requested help in determining when the prerequisite classes for the LCI training are or could be scheduled. He will contact the 3 people who are set up to take these safe cycling and LCI classes.
The 4th grade bicycle education program for 2025 is scheduled for the Memorial Day week as it was last yaar. The 2nd microgrant has funds to check/maintain the bikes, but due to their being used only last year, not all the bikes will need to be tuned up (all will be inspected).
Hultgren explained that the Town’s Transportation Advisory Committee was now working on developing a Complete Streets Plan for Mansfield. He said there are a few such plans for communities in CT. Clark and Waldburger requested that the links to those plans be forwarded to them to help other communities get started on this.
The meeting ended at approximately 7:45 pm.
Lon Hultgren, Sec-Treas
Bike Mansfield