Bike Mansfield, Meeting Summary Mar 13, 2025

Attending: Hultgren, Clark, Waldburger, England, Thorne, Serazo, Manizza

The meeting began at 7:05 pm in the lobby of the Transportation Center in Downtown Storrs.

A schedule to get the CWA program rolling by the first week of June was discussed. Nine tasks were outlined along with proposed deadlines and who would be working on each task. Hultgren will distribute a spreadsheet of what was outlined to people included in the task list.

This year’s 4th grade bike education program was discussed, which is scheduled for the week following Memorial Day (as it was last year). Serazo said she would set up a volunteer spreadsheet as she did last year to help organize the daily volunteers by half days. Hultgren will be installing two more bike hooks in the bike trailer in the next couple of weeks and reorganizing the trailer this Spring.

Membership canvassing will begin as the weather breaks to visit business members and ask them to renew for 2025.

Clark reported that the Federal funding cuts may affect the ‘Safe Roads for All’ grant that supposedly was already awarded to UConn, but still in the funding stage, and could be lost due to the new administration’s effort to cut back federal grants that haven’t actually been completed as yet. She also said that the UConn BWG was working with the student ‘Give and Go’ project to get abandoned bicycles to WAIM for repair and reuse. A beginners “instructional” ride was also being organized by the UConn Rec dept.

Hultgren said a meeting and walk audit was scheduled for the public and residents of Maple Road to review and give input on the design of the Maple Road multi-use path that is planned for Maple Road from South Eagleville Road to the Mansfield Middle School. This will begin at 10:00 am on March 26th at the Senior Center. Hultgren will send the announcement flyer out to regular Bike Mansfield meeting attendees.

The Town’s Bicycle Friendly Community renewal application is due in 2026, and it is expected that we (Bike Mansfield) will help the Town staff in preparing the application.

The meeting ended at approximately 7:55 pm.

Lon Hultgren, Sec-Treas
Bike Mansfield