Meeting Summary, March 14, 2018
Attending: Waldburger, Palmer, Clark, Hultgren, Yakovleff, Weinland, Manizza, Bill and Cooper Page
The meeting was begun at 6:35 pm in the Nash Zimmer Transportation Center. The meeting summary for the February 8. 2018 meeting was reviewed and approved by consensus.
Hultgren reviewed the status of the Bike Mansfield checking account — there is $459 in it with the last expenditure being the advance printing of 200 safety tips cards ($85). He said he was told that the BFC community signs were being put up at the Town lines now by the Town’s DPW. He said that he had received a request for Bike Mansfield to be a sponsor of the upcoming Tour de Mansfield on June 9th, and it was agreed to do so at the lowest ($100) sponsor level.
The UConn ECCC bike race on March 24th was discussed. Marshals are still needed for the main race, and people can sign-up on line. Host homes are also needed for riders from other colleges, and Hultgren said he would send out the link to sign up to host in the next day or two. He also said that Bike Mansfield could have a table at the start of the race at the Middle School, and was looking for Bike Mansfield members who could help staff this table.
The safety tips card was distributed (advance printing). Hultgren, Weinland and Waldburger went to a Mansfield Lions Club meeting and learned that the Lions will fund a full printing (2500-3000) this spring. This will be discussed at the Lions’ March 27th meeting as well as potential help from the Lions in getting bike education in the Mansfield schools.
The Southworth preserve trail construction, scheduled for March 18th has been rescheduled for March 25th … but could be rescheduled again due to the run of strong storms. Hultgren said he would email out any further reschedulings.
The UConn Earth Day “Spring Fling” celebration is scheduled for April 17th from 11 to 2 on Fairfield Way, and Bike Mansfield has been invited to have a table at this event again this year. Weinland, Palmer and Hultgren said they could help staff the table. Set up will be earlier in the day this year (approx. 10 am) so that the vehicles can be removed from Fairfield Way prior to the mass of students which essentially block all vehicle traffic (ask us how we know this!).
Palmer noted that we should be looking ahead to the renewing Mansfield’s Bicycle Friendly Community designation (4 years). Hultgren said that two of the main things the League had suggested were getting some Bicycle Friendly Businesses and assisting UConn to become a Bicycle Friendly University. It was suggested that the Adventure Park at Storrs would be a good candidate for a BFB. Clark has made inquiries at UConn, and Hultgren will see if Rich Miller in the Environmental Policy Office can assist in this effort.
Waldburger reported on his work with Simsbury, including the 2018 national bike challenge that Bike Mansfield might be interested in participating in. Since it is an individual mileage challenge, a sign-up link could be placed on the website. He also said that he had been at a presentation by Steve Moore from Glastonbury who had participated in a recent Ride Across America, and could make this presentation in Mansfield at a Bike Mansfield sponsored workshop. Hultgren will find out when the deadline for the MCC summer brochure is and suggest some dates for this to Dave.
Yakovleff outlined the two youth bike rides he has set up for the Ashford Boy Scout troop and the bike repair clinic scheduled for prepping bikes for these rides. The 1st ride on the RI East Bay Bike Path (30 miles) will be held on May 5th. The second ride will be on the Cape Cod Rail Trail (Dennis to Wellfleet) June 22-24. The repair clinic is set for April 27th. Interested parties should contact Nord at
National bike month and bike week and bike to work day (May, May 14-18, May 18th) were discussed, and a plan to do a table on the Town Square on the morning of May 18th will be finalized at the next 2 meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 pm.
Lon Hultgren, Secretary Treasurer